Tuesday 29 March 2011

AlHamdulillaahi, waS-Salaatu was-salaamu `alaa RAsoolillaah As

AlHamdulillaahi, waS-Salaatu was-salaamu `alaa RAsoolillaah As
salaamu `alaykum wa raHmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

I find Abu Dharr al-Ghafaari one of the most interesting
personalities from among the Sahaaba. He was known for
his asceticism and admonitions. It is narrated in Abu Na`im's
al-Hilyah that someone asked Abu Dharr, radhiallahu `anhu, "O
Abu Dharr, why do people leave your company upset every time
they visit you?" He replied, "They leave upset because I
admonish them against hoarding the treasures of this world."

The following is one of his admonitions narrated by
Sufyaan ath-Thawree, raHimahullaah, as related in
al-Hilyah of Abu Na`im:

"O people, I am Jandab'ul Ghafaari. Come here and
hearken to the good advice of your compassionate older
brother. " Immediately, people hastened and stood around him to
hear what he had to say. Abu Dharr then said, "Do you see, when
one of you plans to travel, doesn't he prepare himself and takes
with him the needed provisions that will suffice him until he
reaches his destination?" The people replied, "Indeed, he
does." Abu Dharr continued, "In this regard, the road to the
Day of Reckoning is the furthest of your ultimate destinations.
Take with you what benefit you most." The people asked, "And
what do you consider as most beneficial for such a journey?"

Abu Dharr replied:

1) Make a pilgrimage to Mecca for your dire needs;

2) Fast in the hottest day in contemplation of the horrific
age-old standing of the Day of Resurrection;

3) Pray two rak`at in the darkness of the night in
contemplation of one's bewilderment, loneliness, and darkness of
his grave;

4) Either say something good, or remain silent pondering on
awesome age-long standing in the grim silence of the Day of

5) Spend your money in charity, so perhaps you can escape its

6) Make this world a setting for two types of conferences: One
to seek the benefits of the hereafter, and the other to seek
what is permissible. Should there be a third criteria of
meetings, they will be of harm and of no benefit to you; and

7) Look to your money and divide it in two categories: One
dirham you spend on your family, the second you spend for your
benefits in the hereafter, and should there be left a third
dirham, it will be of harm and of no benefit to you."

Abu Dharr then shouted at the top of his voice: "O
people! Your craving to accumulate what is beyond your
reach will surely destroy you."

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